Private Executive Therapy

Why therapy? Why not a coach or just a couple of drinks with a friend?

For most of my clients, therapy was not their first choice.

They all tried other approaches first: working harder, working less, delegating more, delegating less, exercise, self-help books, diets, travel, seminars, consultants etc.

Why therapy? Because it works when the other things you’ve tried don’t.

My clients found these actions didn’t help them feel better in the long term, that they couldn’t shake depression and anxiety, for example, and that negative thoughts and feelings just didn’t “stay gone”.

Connecting with someone you trust, who has the experience to implement a proven set of tools and actions – and who is a business leader himself – really works to get you “un-stuck”.

The bottom line: Success in mind, body and spirit.

Private executive therapy gets you un-stuck – from depression, stress/anxiety, relationship problems, negative habits, perfectionism, trauma, imposter syndrome and more.

It allows you to fully and happily engage with the life you’ve worked so hard to build.

This is a journey of self-discovery, positive action and lasting change.

It’s not always easy. So we take this journey together. We are partners in doing the hard work of taking a hard look at where you are stuck and taking bold action to free you from it.

First and foremost, private executive coaching is a safe place where you can blurt out the things you may feel you can’t share with your significant other, family, partners, peers or even close friends.

EO (Entrepreneurs Organization) refers to this as the “bottom 5%” – the stress, fear and pain and sometimes desperation business leaders feel they can’t talk to anyone about.

Again, it really doesn’t have to be lonely at the top anymore.

Call me to create the change that works for you – (402) 671-0448.

So you don’t recommend coaching?

I totally do recommend coaching. In fact, I am also an executive coach  which is a great choice for many business leaders.

It’s a question of doing first things first.

If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, substance issues, or significant relationship problems, they are serious and must be addressed before other options are considered.